
Find out about upcoming events and browse past conferences and presentations.

Upcoming events

New events will be announced as they are scheduled.

Past events

  • 2024 International Gambling Conference - Unveiling progress: Treatment, research and public health advances in reducing gambling harm. 10-12 July 2024, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • 2024 International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice: 8-9 July 2024, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • 2023 International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice: 26-27 June 2023, London, UK.
  • 2022 International Gambling Conference – He Haerenga: A journey from harm to wellbeing. 29 June – 1 July 2022, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • 2022 International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice: 27-28 June 2022, Auckland New Zealand.
  • 2019 International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice: 24-25 June 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
  • 2018 International Gambling Conference - Flipping the iceberg on gambling harm, mental health and co-existing issues. 12-14 February 2018, Auckland New Zealand.
  • 2018 International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice. 15-16 February 2018, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • 2017 International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice: North American Regional Meeting, 9-10 April, Banff, Canada. Selected presentations are available here.
  • 2016 International Gambling Conference - Preventing harm in the shifting gambling environment: Challenges, policies and strategies, 10-12 February 2016 Auckland, New Zealand.
  • 2016 International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice. 15-16 February 2016, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • 2015 International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice: First North American Regional Meeting, 20-21 April, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • 5th International Gambling Conference: Gambling in a mobile era - Developments, regulation and responses. 19-21 February 2014, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice. 17-18 February 2014, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • International Think Tank on Gambling Policy, Research and Practice (Melbourne Regional Meeting, 25-26 March 2013.
  • 2012 International Gambling Conference: Shaping the future of gambling - positive change through policy, practice and research (held 22-24 February 2012).
  • International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice (Auckland two-day meeting, 20-21 February 2012).
  • International Think Tank on Gambling Research, Policy and Practice (Melbourne Regional Meeting 30-31 March 2011).
  • 2010 International Gambling Conference: Gambling in the 21st Century: The implications of technology for policy, practice and research (held 24-26 February 2010).
  • In February 2008, the Gambling and Addictions Research Centre co-organised and co-hosted (together with the Gambling Helpline) an international Think Tank on Presenting Gambling Populations and First Contact Services.
  • Proceedings from the May 2005 Think Tank and conference (Policy, Practice and Research - One Year On) and September 2006 Think Tank and conference (Gambling and its Impacts: Policy, Practice and Research Perspectives) are published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
  • Proceedings from the May 2004 Think Tank are published in the journal International Gambling Studies. Proceedings from the May 2004 conference (Gambling and Problem Gambling in New Zealand: Taking stock and moving forward on policy, practice and research) are published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.