NZ National Gambling Study

The National Gambling Study (NGS) is the first New Zealand population representative longitudinal study into gambling, health, lifestyles, and attitudes about gambling. The NGS started in 2012 with a randomly selected national sample of 6,251 people aged 18 years and older living in private households, and surveyed face-to-face with computer assistance.

GARC Survey

The National Survey of Lotteries, Gaming and Betting Activities

The surveys included questions on leisure activities and gambling participation, past gambling and recent gambling behaviour change, problem gambling, life events, attitudes towards gambling, mental health, substance use/misuse, health conditions, social connectedness, level of deprivation and demographics.

Participants remaining in the study were re-surveyed in 2013, 2014 and 2015. In 2018, 50 participants took part in interviews to help us to understand why and how people change their gambling behaviours. A final survey was conducted in 2020 with 388 selected participants to understand gambling relapse and associated factors.


Gambling Data Explorer

The Gambling Data Explorer is an interactive tool for exploring data from the New Zealand National Gambling Study. It presents gambling participation and harm results by gender, age and ethnic group. Currently only 2012 data are available but other years are anticipated to be added in the future.

Gambling Data Explorer (Ministry of Health)

Project details

Project partner:

  • National Research Bureau

Funded by:

  • Ministry of Health